Tantric Healing

Holistic Tantric Massage Therapy for Men and Women

Devi is based on The Wirral, North-West England ~ Email: or Tel: 07983 692195
northwest - liverpool - chester - manchester - north uk
After your first 3 bookings with me, the first 20 -45 mins the spiritually eclectic part of the session can be tailor made to suit your needs. Perhaps you want to look more into your career or love life, why you feel so negative and how to become more positive. Maybe you want to learn more spiritual aspects of yourself or about your deep seated behaviour patterns, why you just can't say no or shy away from intimacy when you deeply desire it etc.
For example:

Past life regression*
You will be gently placed in a deeply relaxed state. You will then be asked particular question about where you are, what you see, what year it is and so on. If desired I will take notes for you so you can do your own personal research.

Entity Banishing*
Do you ever feel that you are surrounded by bad luck, bad influences, and don't know why? Can you see negative patterns in your life and don't know what causes them. There is a theory that we have negative entities attached to us that influence what happens in our life. Banishing these entities through a medative hypnotic state can have positive effects for our future.

Goals Aims Desires
An NLP (neorolinguistic programming) exercise that helps you see clearly your goals whether in your career or personal life. It shows you where you are now, where you want to be, how you can get there and most importantly what is stopping you realizing that dream.

* Disclaimer: As these are experiental feelings no claims can be made that you will actually be
"past life regressed", nor that "entities" are a matter of fact. However, you may feel a greater
sense of calm or closure, and leave you feeling refreshed, as a result of this work.




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