Tantric Healing

Holistic Tantric Massage Therapy for Men and Women

Devi is based on The Wirral, North-West England ~ Email: or Tel: 07983 692195
northwest - liverpool - chester - manchester - north uk
The first three sessions are set and consist of:
  1. Welcome to Tantra, Awakening your senses
    You learn to be more present in your body, to be in the 'here and now'. In tantra the past has gone and the future is only a dream, So many of us live in the past, or for the future and forget about the beauty of now, however good or bad it is. You get a taste of being fully 'present' by experiencing you 5 senses in a way never before.

  2. Guided Meditation
    You will be put in a beautifully relaxed state and then sent on a journey into your subconscious. Many of the questions we have about our life reside in the depths of our subconscious and this is a time through relaxation, my guidance and imagery for those questions to be answered.

  3. Shamanic Journey
    An internal journey into the 'spirit world' where you meet and communicate with your power animal. Not only is the meaning of the animal important to you but where it takes you and what it shows you is highly significant for you at that moment in time of your life. Deep rooted questions can be answered, negative feelings resolved and sorrow from past regrets can be nurtured and healed.
The massage then follows.

At the end of the session you will be left for a short while to relax into your blissful state. Then it is time for a chat and feedback.

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